The Power of Women Working


Team CFUW Southport: Coldest Night of the Year: February 22nd

Lee Anne Coulter and Kathleen Wallace will lead the CFUW Southport Team. The event starts at the Southampton Rotary Hall 39 Grey St. South.  The schedule is as follows:

  •  4:00 pm: Meet Check-in
  •  4:45 pm: Muster Gather for Opening Remarks
  •  5:00 pm: Move Send-off
  •  6:00 pm: Munch Light meal served
  •  7:00 pm: Mosey Goodbye + see you in 2026!

You can join the team and/or donate to support the CFUW Southport Team by clicking here:

CFUW Southport Coldest Night of the Year Team

Click here for more information about the Coldest Night of the Year Saugeen Shores

CFUW’s Mandate
• Improve the status of women and girls.
• Promote quality public education.
• Advance human rights, justice, and peace
• Encourage CFUW members to participate in their communities.

Local Priorities for Advocacy
• Long Term Care
• Food Insecurity
• Climate Change/Environmental Protection

Policy Resolutions adopted by the CFUW membership nationally and provincially are the basis for all our advocacy activities. These resolutions deal with issues relevant to CFUW’s mandate.

The democratically adopted policy resolutions give CFUW National and CFUW Ontario Council legitimacy to lobby and petition the federal, provincial and territorial governments on behalf of our membership. CFUW also holds a special consultative status with the United Nations and belongs to the Education Committee of the Canadian Commission to UNESCO.

CFUW Southport regularly presents “Policy Briefs” to our local MP and MPP to outline our support of CFUW policy regarding current issues. We also contact these representatives to address single issues as they arise in federal parliament or in the Ontario legislature to inform our MP and MPP of our views and ask for their support.

CFUW Southport takes on projects and participates in activities to inform ourselves and the Saugeen Shores Community of issues related to our mandate.

Southport is particularly interested in elections, voting and supporting democracy.  To this end, the GRANDMA ASKED ME TO VOTE campaign is renewed whenever an election is forthcoming whether this be municipal, provincial or federal.

Please refer to the following WEBSITE




CFUW is a grass-roots organisation that advocates for public policy changes based on resolutions that are approved by our membership at the Annual General Meetings each year.

Resolutions that are national or international in scope, and conforming to CFUW’s purpose and mission, are researched and proposed by CFUW Clubs or National Committees.

The subsequent adopted resolutions or policy statements form our framework for action and advocacy. The adopted resolutions make up the CFUW Policy Book, which houses resolutions adopted by our membership since 1964.

Member Lin Johnson leads a discussion on a recommended resolution on insecticides from another Member Club. 

Contact Us

15 + 11 =

Mailing Address:

CFUW Southport
144 Trillium Drive
Port Elgin N0H 2C2

Email Us:


We meet on the traditional territories (which includes lands and waters) of the Anishinabek (An-nish-nah-bek) Nation: The People of the Three Fires known as Ojibway, Odawa, and Pottawatomie (Pot-aw-wot-a-mi) Nations, whose historical boundaries include Goderich in the south, the tip of the Bruce Peninsula in the north and the Nottawasaga River in the east. We support the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and will work with the Chippewas of Saugeen First Nation and the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation to fulfill these recommendations.

We also recognize the contributions of the Métis Nation of Ontario, whose history and people are well represented in Saugeen Shores.

Read more

CFUW Southport asks Council to declare gender-based violence an epidemic.


 "Each year on December 6th, the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Southport, holds a Vigil at Coulter Parkette in Port Elgin to remember the 14 women students of École Polytechnique in Montreal, who were killed in a mass murder simply because they were women, and also to raise awareness of violence against women today.

On November 11th (2024), CFUW President Odette Bartnicki, made a presentation to Saugeen Shores Town Council, following a letter on November 4th (2024) that was sent to Mayor and Council.

In the letter, Bartnicki laid out the reasons for her delegation, and the fact that Councillor Cheryl Grace has brought a Notice of Motion to Council to declare that intimate partner violence (IPV) is now an epidemic."

See More at