JOIN CFUW Southport


CFUW Membership Registration

We offer 3 types of memberships:

  1. Full Member $100
  2. Student Member – $42.50
  3. Dual Member – $15.00
    (If paid member of another CFUW club)

Use Option A. or Option B. below to submit your application to join CFUW Southport. All membership terms begin 1st September and end 31st August of the following year.

Option A. Manual Registration and payment by Email Money Transfer (Preferred method)

Step 1: Download, complete and email us back your completed Registration form to:
Registration Forms: PDF application-form /Word Application Form

Step 2: Send exact amount based on your choice of membership (Full, Student, Dual) by email money transfer to:

Option B. Online Registration and pay by Credit Card

Register New Account

The following is a list of CFUW Southport Interest Groups. Please indicate which groups you already belong to or may be interested in joining:

Choose your membership level

Other payment options can be considered, contact us to make alternate payment arrangements.


You will enjoy and take pride in being a member of a nationally recognized organization that advocates for gender equality and other social justice issues.

As a member of CFUW Southport, you will have many opportunities
• To network with interesting women and develop new friendships;
• To learn through others and contribute skills and attributes you have gained through your own life experiences;
• To be motivated by thought-provoking speakers at our monthly meetings;
• To become involved in our commitment to advance human rights, justice and peace;
• To support female and non-binary students in pursuit of post secondary education;
• To participate in our entertaining Interest Groups